Medicine Hat, Alberta Speed Traps

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Top of shulton hill, Carry Dr.

Medicine Hat, AlbertaOct 16, 20190 Comments

Grey mini van. They have replaced the old blue one they had.

west bound gershaw drive(Crowsnest hiway#3) gershaw auto fix

Medicine Hat, AlbertaDec 26, 20120 Comments

Small black camera on a tripod, as well the photo van and/or the popular photo box, is placed right below the speed limit sign.

Parkview Drive N E

Medicine Hat, AlbertaJul 10, 20100 Comments

File cabinet set up just past the turn into Medicine Hat golf course monitoring traffic going up the hill.

top of scholten hill

Medicine Hat, AlbertaJun 07, 20100 Comments

white van parks on side road infront of apartment buildings for when you come up the hill.

Located by schools, schools, playground 30Kl 8-hr pst sunset

Medicine Hat, AlbertaApr 20, 20100 Comments

Can be the filecabinet or a white van

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