Chino Valley, Arizona Speed Traps

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Road 1 East Road near Road 1 North Road

Chino Valley, ArizonaOct 02, 20070 Comments

I am referencing this Road, however, if you’re driving anywhere in Chino Valley, AZ., drive the speed limit. The Town of Chino Valley is a speed trap anywhere you drive. You never know where the police are hiding. I was ticketed on Road 1 East, but they can be any place at any time. I’ve started using my cruise control when I’m in a 25 miles zone just so I don’t go over speed. They will not get me again.

101 Loop

Chino Valley, ArizonaAug 19, 20070 Comments

FYI….Photo Radar: Scottsdale spearheaded it and it’s gaining in popularity with city conciles and police depts. Its not rare to get a speeding ticket that cost $200.00 or more for just a few mph over the limit. Us Arizonins are stuck with it.

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