Holbrook, Arizona Speed Traps
I40 thru Holbrook East & West bound
Tollbrook, AZ expect to pay $200-600 toll all along I40 thru this town.
If you are a drunk or any kind of distracted driver don’t worry they will get you when you crash into someone, otherwise, patrol only go after safe fast driving vehicles since it is easier.
Another skill-less uneducated town that is highly dependent on reverse government welfare.
Bridge crossing the Puerco River on Highway 77 South of Town
YES it is a Speed Trap! At the Junction of Road # 77 and 180 above the South River Bridge there is a stop sign. You make a left onto # 77 North through Holbrook going into town with a 45 MPH posted speed on the Bridge. At the North end of the Bridge the Speed changes to 30 MPH and you couldn’t slow down in time if you rode the brakes. The officer sits in the parking lot at the North end of the Bridge and pulls you over with a very professional series of papers to affirm your obligation to pay. They love to pick up "SNOW BIRDS" and let 3 speeding Arizona Drivers pass before they stopped me!
East of Holbrook, Sun Valley – Highway 77 interchange
Unmanned DPS vehicle(s) with photo radar near or underneath interchange. Sign indicating photo radar is almost next to the vehicle so signs does not give adequate warning.
I-40 mile post 287
DPS constantly sits in the median hidden by the weeds monitoring mostly East bound traffic. You can not see them until you are right on top of them. This is nearly a daily occurrence.
I-40 between mile post 287 and 300
Arizona DPS contractor sets up unmanned photo radar units on both East bound and West bound lanes. The vehicle is a small white SUV with DPS markings and a small tower pole on top of it. There are some discreet signs approximately 1/8 mile before you get to the camera warning you of photo radar. Beware when you visit Arizona, there are more speed cameras here than anywhere. Arizona wants your money!!!