Kingman, Arizona Speed Traps
US-93 2-5 miles North of Hy 68
Arizona DPS troopers sit North of Kingman on US-93 heading to Vegas. After you pass the weigh station, and HY 68, start watching the medium. The troopers sit in wide spots for about the next 5 miles. They usually work in pairs, and have a gray unmarked the sgt drives.
Andy Devine Av. Near fire station. [ RT 66]
Speed limit is 35 MPH on one direction of the road and 40 MPH on the other side. Another speed trap just in front of the police station.
Bank St Between Airway and Gordon
This area is about 11/2 miles long. The roadway is not business or residential. Its flat, straight level and has 2 lanes in each direction separated by a left turn lane and is bordered on each side by curbs. No visibility problems in the area only a couple of intersecting street.
This roadway could easily have a 45-50 MPH limit due to its location and design. But not in Kingman Az. The speed limit is 35MPH and the KPD motorcops like to set back on the side streets with their radar and write speed.Since this town only has only one 40 mph speed limit and it is in a area that should be posted for 45-50 MPH.
It seem to me that big brother is interested in the revenue aspect of traffic safety making it easy to generate speed tickets rather than increasing speed limits that are in tune with the roadway design and area.
Stockton Hill Road near the cemetery.
Watch out for Kingman P.D. in the vicinity of the cemetery on Stockton Hill road. The speed limit is 35 MPH, and it is on a hill that many motorists roll down too fast.
Southern Ave & Southern Loop
Speed limit here is 25mph… when traveling north on Southern Ave, speed limit drops from 35 to 25 here. KPD sits on Southern Loop Rd, just out of sight, and catches lots of folks going over 25 on Southern Ave.