Adelanto, California Speed Traps

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Chamberlaine Way

Adelanto, CaliforniaMar 23, 20100 Comments

Make all stops on Chamberlaine Way full stops. I got popped at Chamberlaine & Aster Rd; He was hiding behind the wall.

Bellflower Road

Adelanto, CaliforniaMay 22, 20090 Comments

Adelanto Sheriffs sit back at the stop signs and watch for those who do not fully stop at the stop signs. Bellflower and Addison as well as Bellflower and Seneca.

Bellfolower Road near Seneca Street

Adelanto, CaliforniaMar 21, 20080 Comments

Adelanto Sheriff’s sit back at the stop signs and watch for those who do not fully stop at the stop signs.
Bellflower and Addison as well as Bellflower and Seneca.

US Highway 395 near US Highway 395

Adelanto, CaliforniaJun 07, 20070 Comments

Lots of CHP north of Adelanto on U.S. 395

hwy 395 , between colusa rd. & crippen rd. (last stop light going north)

Adelanto, CaliforniaMay 01, 20010 Comments

officer hides along side of road on non-paved off-shoots along 395 Watch out! Super aggressive officers, will try to look and prod for drugs, weapons, excessive amounts of money. Very nasty and agressive police force!!

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