Altadena, California Speed Traps
Casitas Avenue near Alta Dena Drive
When turning left onto Casitas Ave heading southbound between Altadena Dr and Mendocino Ave., the Highway patrol camps out there and radars you when you turn the corner. They are about 70-100 yards away from the corner of Altadena Drive and Casitas so you can’t see them when you first turn the corner. By then it’s too late. The speed limit is 25mph, which is b.s. for that street. SO WATCH OUT!
Lincoln Avenue near Mountain Avenue
Multiple CHP on motorcycle and car standing on West side of Lincoln Ave between Presbyterian and Catholic Churches.
Casitas Avenue near W Altadena Drive
The speed limit on Casitas was changed from 35MPH to 25MPH. The trap force normally sits on the corner of Harriet St. and Casitas and points radar towards Altadena Dr. Since the the North to South direction is downhill, it’s very easy to speed on this section of road.
lake Street near New York Dr El Molino
Pasadena Motorcyle police. Speed trap set up north bound Lake ave just before Woodbury. As well as East bound Woodbury just before Lake. My wife and I got a ticket wed nights 7 to 8pm two weeks apart
Altadena Drive near Eaton Canyon parking Area Trail
CHP officer on a Motorcycle on the east side of the street as it shifts from E-W to N-S.