Antioch, California Speed Traps

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Davidson and Garrow

Antioch, CaliforniaDec 18, 20130 Comments

pulled over twice in one week there for not stopping all the way

Asilomar and Via Dora

Antioch, CaliforniaApr 30, 20100 Comments

Coming down via dora the police sits on a via dora. It is a down hill slope and the speed limit is 25 mph will get a ticket for doing 30 mph

Sherman Island

Antioch, CaliforniaApr 20, 20101 Comments

Highway patrol sits on side of highway 160 on sherman island in the brush. Speed limit is 55 mph. You will get a ticket if you do 60+.

Sunset and Diablo

Antioch, CaliforniaMar 20, 20100 Comments

The speed limit along most of Sunset is 35 MPH. There is a short section near Diablo that drops down to 25 MPH. Beware, as I have seen 2 tickets issued within 20 min.

Prewitt Ranch Road at Hillcrest

Antioch, CaliforniaMar 12, 20100 Comments

All of Prewitt Ranch Drive between Deer Valley and Hillcrest is a speed trap. Most often located in 25 mph zone near Prewitt and Hillcrest intersection. Prewitt has a slight Incline downhill towards Hillcrest, so it’s easy to speed up without even realizing it. Not many 25 mph signs posted…easy to think it’s a 35 mph zone.

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