Jackson, California Speed Traps
88 from 99 turnoff to Jackson. Ridge Rd. to Pine Grove
CHP hide on 88. The road with no street lights, it is so dark, it’s easy for them to hide off the side of the road. Posted 55, but should be 65. On Ridge Road to the turn off to the Casino is posted from 55 to 40. No real reason for this, other than giving tickets.
In town-All sections of Highway 99 are a reverse speed trap
On highway 99, as you approach Jackson from the North or South, you will see multiple speed signs 45, 35, 30, 25 in a row. Most people slow down BEFORE they reach the actual sign. Well as you leave town you will see speed limit similar signs. The problem is most people will start to accelerate just BEFORE the actual sign—as they leave the town. Look immediately across the street and you will learn that theoretically you may be “speeding” for about 30 feet before the lowered speed sign. You WILL get a ticket for speeding. This is a huge revenue for the town.
Jackson Gate Road
Police will sit in several locations along this road. Speed limit is 25mph and you can be written for any thing over that.
Ridge Road near State Highway 49 AND 88
Going to Jackson Rancheria Casino in Jackson from Pioneer and California state route 88 and from Sutter Creek and Stae Route 49, sheriffs patroll are always there waiting for you, very aggressive and strict, they will oull you overe for going a few miles over the speed limit, theres been alot of accidents and they are really cracking down.
State Highway 88 near Wal-Mart
Watch out for cops sitting on your left when heading east on 88 as soon as you see Wal-mart. The speed limit drops from 55 to 45 quick for no apparent reason, and the Highway Patrol loves giving out-of-towners speeding tickets without any sympathy.