Menlo Park, California Speed Traps

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Santa Cruz Ave, just North of Sand Hill Rd

Menlo Park, CaliforniaMar 11, 20110 Comments

Motorcycle CHPs (2) hide in driveways before the split of Santa Cruz/Alemeda de las Pulgas. Actually right next to PaloAltoWay. CHP also parked in the tiny PaloAltoWay road (blocking that narrow street’s access and causing hazard).

Bay Road – Not far from Marsh/Bay intersection.

Menlo Park, CaliforniaNov 24, 20100 Comments

Motorcycle Cop — Sits around near the entrance to Flood Park ready to dip into your pockets if you’re caught going over the preposterously low speed limit of Bay Road. Uses LIDAR.

El Camino Real cross St Glenwood Ave no mark no turn on red

Menlo Park, CaliforniaMay 27, 20100 Comments

Camera or "Automated Traffic Enforcement" MP12232 The camera is hard to see, there are no markings. This is a 4 way st. No sign telling drivers "NO TURN ON RED ALLOWED"

Valpariso ElCamino-Alameda

Menlo Park, CaliforniaApr 12, 20100 Comments

Boarder street of MP and Atherton, cops hide all up and down this street in peoples driveways and bushes

State Highway 101 near Marsh Road / Willow Crossing

Menlo Park, CaliforniaJun 12, 20080 Comments

On S-bound Hwy-101 between Marsh Road and Willow Road, CHP will hide behind the bridge support located in the center median. They have also been observed to park immediately across from the bridge support, also on the S-bound shoulder, using both radar and laser. Typically they are there before dawn but have been seen during day-light hours also.

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