Moraga, California Speed Traps

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Saint Mary’s Road at the Lafayette City Limits

Moraga, CaliforniaOct 20, 20110 Comments

Black and White parked on shoulder at city limits sign facing traffic heading from Lafayette to Moraga on St Mary’s Road . Speed limit is 35 but if you know the road you can easily do 50. Cop car is situated so that you will not see him until you are less than 100 feet from him as you round a curve. By that time it’s too late. Don’t know if he’s using radar.

St. Mary’s Road

Moraga, CaliforniaAug 31, 20110 Comments

Many days there is a cop car waiting under the trees not far from the Moraga Library to catch anyone going over 35 mph. A great source of income for the Town!

Rheem Boulevard

Moraga, CaliforniaOct 13, 20090 Comments

Very common to find an officer at the bottom of the hill monitoring this area.

Moraga Way

Moraga, CaliforniaFeb 19, 20091 Comments

Moraga Way after you pass Moraga Commons Park headed towards Rheem the road divides into two lanes. Officers sit back on residential streets ready to catch unsuspecting drivers who don’t realize the speed is 35.

Rheem Boulevard near Scofield Drive

Moraga, CaliforniaJul 28, 20080 Comments

It’s very common to find an officer at the bottom of the hill monitoring this area.

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