Pacific Beach, California Speed Traps

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On Loring, heading East, just before you reach Fanuel St.

Pacific Beach, CaliforniaOct 21, 20100 Comments

On the south side of the street, two cops will be in the shade and under the trees, and one will step out with the radar gun. Speed limit is 25mph but it’s a long street and difficult to go that slow. I see them every couple of months….
for years!!

Cass & Emerald

Pacific Beach, CaliforniaApr 24, 20100 Comments

When driving north or South on Cass, a motorcycle cop looking for people running through the stop sign.

Crown Point Drive before Ingraham

Pacific Beach, CaliforniaMar 11, 20100 Comments

On the Crown Point Drive ‘curve’ around the bay the speed limit is 30mph. There is generally a motorcycle cop on foot right before you get to the light that will pull you over by motioning with his hand. Humiliating–I’ve been caught twice at 40mph and 38mph (three years apart).

They are generally there for the morning commute.

Turquoise Street next to the Pacific Beach Elementary Park

Pacific Beach, CaliforniaFeb 28, 20100 Comments

Motorcycle cops are often ducking behind cars next to the Elementary School…Especially in the Morning. You won’t see them until you pass or they’re stepping out in the street to tell you to pull over. Watch for other motorists flashing their lights to warn you. Go 25, they will get you for going 26.

Beryl Street near Ingraham Street

Pacific Beach, CaliforniaJun 02, 20080 Comments

There are usually one or more motorcycle cops sitting on the south side of the street on Beryl under a tree in between Ingraham and Lamont. The place they sit is on a slight rise, so they see you before you see them. They can get you with radar either westbound or eastbound on Beryl. The speed limit right there is 25MPH, but no one ever goes that slow. Luckily, many people know about this and they will warn you by flashing their brights at you before you get to that spot. Keep your eyes open for the flashing lights folks- it saved me many times!

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