Perris, California Speed Traps

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s C street, in front of bus depot

Perris, CaliforniaJun 30, 20200 Comments

motor cop hiding at fire station, speed 25

55 MPH zone 1/4 mile west of Ellis on Hwy 74

Perris, CaliforniaFeb 27, 20120 Comments

Coming over the small rise in the roadway and they are waiting on the side of the west bound lane with radar. You are in sight of a 60 MPH speed limit sign but they will give you a ticket for anything over 55 MPH. AND they will go over your car with a fine tooth comb for ANY other minor infraction they can find.

Citrus Ave. Between Wilson Ave. & Perris Blvd.

Perris, CaliforniaApr 08, 20100 Comments

Watch out! Wilson is 45 MPH, and when crossing Redlands Bl., it drops to 25 MPH as you aim for Perris Bl. There is no school there, but there are school buses after 7am picking up kids. While traveling on the 25 mile zone, you will get pulled over – very strict area. Cops are not always there, but good idea to be conscious of it.

D St Offramp, 215 Freeway South

Perris, CaliforniaApr 03, 20100 Comments

Speed imit drops to 25 and there are 2 motorcycle cops sitting aroung the big Welcome to Perris sign on the right hand side 100 yards or so after the offramp turns into the street. They ticket some and let some go.

215 South at Ramona Expressway

Perris, CaliforniaDec 09, 20090 Comments

They hide on the opposite side of the ramp and tag you as you go by.

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