Thousand Oaks, California Speed Traps

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Avenida de Los Arboles @ Mountcliff Blvd

Thousand Oaks, CaliforniaMay 21, 20130 Comments

Police unit parks on West side of Mountcliff next to church, facing Los Arboles. Not there every day.

on Kanan between Lindero & Westlake Blvd.

Thousand Oaks, CaliforniaMay 21, 20120 Comments

Motor cops hiding in the front of gated entrances

101 Northbound offramp Moorpark road

Thousand Oaks, CaliforniaMay 17, 20110 Comments

There is a signal at the bottom of the ramp. No right turn on red. A motocycle cop sits behind a wall at the 76 station just beyond the turn waiting for violators.

Thousand Oaks Blvd near 24 hour fitness

Thousand Oaks, CaliforniaJun 23, 20100 Comments

Thousand Oaks Motorcycle cop watching cross walk. If there is a pedestrian anywhere near the cross walk you better stop! If a car stops at the cross walk and there is no pedestrian you also better stop, it is illegal to pass a car stopped at a cross walk. Seems there are more pedestrians there than usual!?

Westlake Village Blvd. (southbound) & Potrero Road

Thousand Oaks, CaliforniaMay 23, 20100 Comments

Motorcycle Cop hides with lazer gun in tree shadows near stoplight at Potrero as southbound traffic on Westlake Blvd. goes from a 45mph speed zone to 35mph without warning. As there is an elementary school near this corner, the speed limit drops to 25mph when ‘children are present.’ No warning sign for that,,, you have to know a school is there. If you don’t reduce speed immediately from 45 to 25, you are a dead duck.

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