Walnut, California Speed Traps

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on La Puente, between Lemon and Nogales

Walnut, CaliforniaApr 25, 20110 Comments

There are two! Once you get on La Puente from Lemon heading towards Nogales there is this sheriff with a baseball cap, that hangs out on the second street and sometimes the third and fourth, but his favorite is the second (he took my car and me to jail, so I always notice him) and the second trap is after you pass Sentuous in the first shopping center parking lot on the right there is a West Covina cop.

Country Hollow Drive at the stop sign…

Walnut, CaliforniaMar 28, 20110 Comments

The patrol car parks in a residential driveway behind some trees where a dirt park starts. This driveway is directly infront of Westhoff Elementary’s exit at the house with the solar power panels on its roof. They watch for anyone dropping kids off in red zones, california stops at the downhill stop sign, avoiding the cross guard by crossing the street down the hill, ANYTHING they can catch you for.

Grand and Valley

Walnut, CaliforniaFeb 02, 20110 Comments

When your going down Grand north a Cop usually sits there with his lights off near Michael’s Craft Store and In N Out Shopping Center. The speed limit is about 45 mph. However, because you’re going up hill at first- it goes down hill suddenly and that’s when the cop gets you when you least expect it since the speed limit changes from 50 to 45 mph. Be careful Walnut Sheriff’s are desperate for speeding drivers!

NB on Lemon Ave. & Valley Blvd

Walnut, CaliforniaOct 08, 20101 Comments

Lemon Ave. & Valley Blvd. is a long intersection because of RxR tracks. Officer stops you when speeding to beat the light to avoid stopping on tracks.

Lemon Avenue

Walnut, CaliforniaMay 07, 20092 Comments

Going down Lemon Ave coming from Amar, there is a cop that will post up usually around 9:00-10:30 AM or within the afternoon. The speed limit going down Lemon is 35 mph and people usually rather go 40+ mph because 35 mph is way too slow. Lemon has two speedtraps (on intersection of Meadow Pass Rd and near where the intersection of when the road turns from slope to level street). Be very aware because sometimes two cops will post up!

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