Waterford, California Speed Traps
Albers/Geer Road
This speed trap is lengthy. There are patrol cars hidden in orchard driveways, side of road where there are dips. These cars will get you even if they are driving ahead of you! They have radar on the back of the car. I drive this way daily to work and see someone pulled over daily. This road begins as Albers Rd, and turns into Geer Road as you travel the same direction. Doesn’t matter, they are
waiting. Cross Roads are Milines, Dusty Road, and Yosemite.
Yosemite Boulevard near TimBell Road
West-bound Yosemite Blvd traffic from F Street should watch for Sheriff Patrol cars that routinely sit just off Baker or N. Appling streets, just down the hill where your car will pick up speed to more than the posted 35 MPH. They get ALOT of people here.
F Street near Bonnie Brae Avenue
Watch your speed coming into town from the north (from Oakdale). Speed limit changes from 55 to 35, and although well posted, MANY people still get caught here before they slow down. Enforcement is HIGH, with zero tolerance.