Aurora, Colorado Speed Traps

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On Buckley, N. of Arapahoe Blvd.

Aurora, ColoradoApr 07, 20100 Comments

School zone light is on, cops sit on side streets waiting for anyone to go faster than 25 MPH when light is on. seen two vehicles pulled over so far. Occurs around noontime.

Tower rd and Telluride @ diamond shamrock

Aurora, ColoradoApr 07, 20100 Comments

Cop out with radar often pointed at drivers going southbound on tower. Parked at the diamond shamrock. Kinda easy to speed because its downhill right before the gas station.

22nd & Airport Blvd

Aurora, ColoradoApr 02, 20103 Comments

2 bikers shooting radar 4/1/10 6PM

Dayton St. Between 6th and 11th

Aurora, ColoradoMar 27, 20100 Comments

Straight 4 lane street, posted 30 mph. Police usually at south end of street.
Park [Lowry] on West, a few businesses on East side. Street ‘should’ be 40 mph.

On Iliff, between 225 & Peoria

Aurora, ColoradoMar 23, 20100 Comments

Aurora cops love to set up near the apartments on the north side, just west of Heather Ridge Country Club and catch westbounders on Iliff. The grade in the road drops, and they hit you with the radar gun, usually before Warren. Several bushes & trees they like to hide behind on the north side of the road

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