Buena Vista, Colorado Speed Traps

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CR 350/Crossman Ave

Buena Vista, ColoradoJul 08, 20130 Comments

Officers drive along CR 350/Crossman Ave just outside of town all the time. Speed limit is 30 MPH between US 24 and Tincup Lane, and 35 MPH beyond Tincup Lane. And they mean it!

CR 321/Rodeo Rd and Gregg Dr

Buena Vista, ColoradoJul 08, 20130 Comments

Cop will hide behind a dirt mound on the northeast corner of Rodeo Rd and Gregg Dr looking for speeders heading south away from town. Many people see the speed limit 50 sign ahead and start accelerating ahead of time… right where he hides. Speed limit is still 35 there!

W Main St & Tomkins Ln

Buena Vista, ColoradoMar 22, 20090 Comments

South of Buena Vista to Poncha Springs on Hwy 285

US Highway 24

Buena Vista, ColoradoApr 11, 20060 Comments

Not really a trap, just active enforcement of the posted 35 limit. Lots of tickets for 44 mph in a 35.

Hwy 24, 285

Buena Vista, ColoradoJan 24, 20030 Comments

This County has several deputies on patrol. I have seen up to 5 different people pulled over while driving from Buena Vista to Salida. I have also received a citiation, and 7 of my friends. very heavily patrolled!! speed limit is 55 mph and they love it.

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