Milford, Connecticut Speed Traps

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Bridgeport Avenue near New Haven Avenue

Milford, ConnecticutFeb 27, 20080 Comments

Personal Touch car wash parking lot a cop will be hidden in the way back so he wont be seen untill you pass him.

North Street near Stiles Street

Milford, ConnecticutNov 01, 20070 Comments

Heading south (toward the Post Road), there’s a pull-off area just past the community gardens entrance that makes a nifty late-night hiding spot for radar enforcement.

Interstate 95 near Exit Number 36

Milford, ConnecticutOct 28, 20070 Comments

north bound after the exit,under the bridge and a bit of a hill near a tree

State Route 1 near Exit Number 39A & B

Milford, ConnecticutOct 19, 20060 Comments

Typically they sit around during weekends when people are out of the bar and at the diner across the street. I have seen them in two areas. One is in the Firestone/UNO’s parking lot, occasionally in the Friendly’s lot. I did see one guy who loves to hide in the strangest place. If you are heading south on Route 1 you will never see him until it is to late. Right after the I-95 underpass there is a green sign in the median. He sits on the raised curb right under the sign!

Gulf St.

Milford, ConnecticutFeb 26, 20030 Comments

Police wait in and around Gulf Beach parking lot–facing both directions. They don’t seem to bother people traveling under 35 MPH.

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