Bradford, Florida Speed Traps

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SR 231

Bradford, FloridaSep 03, 20110 Comments

Speed trap! I was driving at night at around 11 pm and I was driving on a hill, right when I get over it, I see headlights turn on in the opposite lane and he pulls me over and gives me a ticket. This was in the middle of no where too. Watch out.

State Highway 301, just outside of Waldo near US Highway 221

Bradford, FloridaMar 01, 20062 Comments

Officer in unmarked car on opposite corner of the crossroads. If you are stopped at the light, the next speed limit sign, just a few hundred yards ahead, is 65 mph. I was given a ticket for doing 65 in a 55 when I was less than 125 feet from the sign (I had accelerated, on CRUISE CONTROL, away from the light). I will be fighting this ticket, but since this is an area infamous for its speedtraps and dishonest courts, I don’t pretend to think I’ll win….

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