Ocala, Florida Speed Traps

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SW 7th Ave, between SW 31st Street and SW 17th Street

Ocala, FloridaMay 01, 20100 Comments

A county motorcycle cop will sit on east side of road at approximately 26th Street and monitor both ways, but mainly the ones coming over the hill north from 31st. Most cars even if doing speed limit of 35 seem to pick up as they come down the hill, then its too late.

SE 17th Street by Scott Kerigan Park

Ocala, FloridaApr 17, 20100 Comments

speed limit 45 drops to 35 at low point in small hill where motorcyle or cruisers sit in Park parking lot or the Duck Pond across the street.

Hwy 441 Just south of Pizza Hut

Ocala, FloridaApr 08, 20100 Comments

OPD sit just north of the railroad underpass with radar guns. Both cars and motorcycle. Trying to catch people in the 45 mph speed limit.

On Top of the World (gated community)

Ocala, FloridaMar 17, 20100 Comments

Back entrance several times per week, Motor Cycle Deputies run radar with bikes hidden behind trees. Then they move and watch 4 way stop on the same street.

SW 66th Ave, just east of SR475A

Ocala, FloridaMar 08, 20101 Comments

There is a long downhill heading towards SR475A. MCSO motorcycle officers sit back out of view in someones driveway. On each time I have seen them, it was the middle of the afternoon on a workday. They catch people coming down the hill. posted limit is 35, but you can easily do 45 down the hill without realizing it. Be careful.

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