Palm Coast, Florida Speed Traps

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Old Kings Road and Frontier

Palm Coast, FloridaSep 22, 20110 Comments

Driving North, before Frontier 35 mph and right after Frontier 50 mph.

A1A @ Marineland

Palm Coast, FloridaMar 09, 20110 Comments

Cops hide in Marineland parking Lot and radar cars. Speed limit is only 30 mph there.

Palm Coast Parkway & Belle Terre

Palm Coast, FloridaMar 15, 20101 Comments

Traffic Camera

Royal Palms Pkwy & Town Center

Palm Coast, FloridaMar 11, 20100 Comments

From Belle Terre going West on Royal Palms Pkwy to get to Town Center

Forest Grove Drive near Matanzas High

Palm Coast, FloridaApr 15, 20080 Comments

Excessive enforcement (3-4 deputy cars) of a single sleepy area since Matanzas High was built. Forest Grove Dr is the east-west road with Old Kings at the West end and Palm Harbor at the East end and the Old Kings continuation (the old dirt road) in the middle. — Deputies are always there on school days pulling over students, parents, & faculty as they move to and from the school. Deputies are also present on Sunday mornings between 9 and noon when a local church meets at the high school. — Some enforcement of this area would be practical, but their enforcement is excessive. The speed limit goes from 50 to 30, but the limit is not posted immediately either…in fact, it is not posted at all in front of the school on Old Kings until after one has passed the school zone. If they wanted to warn people to slow down, they would let the drivers on Old Kings and Palm Harbor know that a drastic reduction in speed is coming around the corner. But what they really want is the revenue. So it is truly a speed trap for a revenue stream and not a genuine concern for public safety.


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