Palmetto, Florida Speed Traps
U.S. 19
When you exit I-275 Sunshine Skyway south toll booths and merge right onto
US 19 south the speed limit drops to 55 and at the end of the long curve going south, there will be a Trooper or a Sheriff car waiting for you on the right side of the road by the nursery.
Bayshore Road Rubonia area
There is a large shoulder area with lots of shade where the county cops and hwy patrol like to set up between Palm View Elementary and the Marina. The road curves enough that you cannot see the area in both directions. There are only three ways into the Rubonia area and this route is used mostly. The speed limit is low so fines are high.
US Highway 41 near North Bound on US 41 after crossing Desoto Bridge
City of Palmetto Police and MSO hide near Desoto Bridge to Haben Blvd and usually work in pairs. They get North and South Bound Traffic on the Palmetto side. This is done much more at dark than Day.
US Highway 41 Business near Green Bridge
City of Palmetto Police will hide their cars usually on the North Bound route after crossing the Green Bridge, but have been occasonally getting the South Bound vehicles approachind the Green Bridge._
US Highway 41 near Interstate 275
Stop sign intersection when you reach the bottom of the ramp off 275…police look for single occupant vehicles (no witnesses) and they “cherry pick”” the drivers who do not count to three after stopping…very easy prey as virtually no one waits three seconds to proceed. The cops bully the so-called perpetrators and refuse to discuss the situation at all.