Millen, Georgia Speed Traps

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US Highway U.S. 25 near US Highway U.S. 25

Millen, GeorgiaMar 27, 20080 Comments

Entering Millen from the south. U.S. 25 has been expanded to 4 lanes. When entering Millen the speed limit is 45MPH. This is right after the 4 lanes turns into an elevated highway or bridge over a creek. They park on the shoulder of the road where you can’t see coming around a long sweeping turn. Downtown Millen is 35MPH with unmarked cars. One is a black jeep cherokee.

Highway 25

Millen, GeorgiaMay 27, 20021 Comments

Officers will be located off of roadway when you enter into city limits. If you have been written citation for speeding in Millen, send me email I have some very important information, that you may be able to use.

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