Rockmart, Georgia Speed Traps
State Highway 278
Rockmart: on Highway 278 on the strip coming from Dallas toward Cedartown, the speed limit goes from 65 to 45 in less than 1/2 mile. Enforcement is always in the medians waiting to give someone a ticket.
State Highway 101 near State Route 278
Polk County Police like to sit on the side of the Road near the Police Station and catch drivers going over the speed limit. Make sure you are going 45 mph or less!
Goodyear Avenue near Piedmont Avenue
Goodyear ave is a divided road with a posted speed limit of 25mph.This speed limit was posted 60 plus years ago when people crossed this road on foot to go to and from work at the goodyear mill.I travel this road almost every day and it is almost impossible to drive 25mph.There is no longer any foot traffic crossing tnis street,and the city police hide every where they can so be on guard or you will get a ticket.
Fairview Road near Elm Street
The city police will set in a car wash and shoot radar at cars coming down a hill toward elm street.
US Highway 278 near US Highway 278
Hwy 278 between Rockmart and Cedartown- Police are always present. Speed limit is 55, and greatly enforced. Open road and it is tempting to go a little faster but you better not.