Kapolei, Hawaii Speed Traps

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North-South Rd. between H-1exit 2 and Kapolei Parkway.

Kapolei, HawaiiJun 22, 20100 Comments

You’re leaving H-1 between Farrington Highway and Kapolei Parkway. North and south bound lane POSTED 35 MPH speed limit. After get off the exit HPD under the overpass. North-South road; almost impossible to go 35 MPH on this long road. HPD any curve on road, both sides and at end and start of Kapolei Parkway. HPD stopped dozens of people going to work and on their way home from work.

Makamai Loop, top of Makakilo by Rec Center

Kapolei, HawaiiApr 16, 20101 Comments

I’ve seen cops on numerous occasions parked almost all the way in Makamai loop (the second one) aiming their guns at people coming up the hill. Speed limit changes to 25 by the fire station but people are sill usually going 35-40 so watch out!

Palahia Place bottom of the bridge

Kapolei, HawaiiApr 16, 20100 Comments

Coming down from Westview area, speed limit is 25 but since the hill is so steep it’s hard to maintain that speed. At the very bottom of the hill, the last or second to the last street on the right hand side sometimes has a cop with laser gun pointing right at people speeding down the hill. Follows them up the bridge and pulls em over on Makakilo drive once they make the turn.

Iwalani entrance facing towards the Elementary school

Kapolei, HawaiiApr 16, 20100 Comments

Cop will usually park his car hidden behind the bushes and will be standing outside mostly hidden aiming his laser gun at you. Once he tags people he’ll walk out with the laser gun pointed at you and signal to pull over.

Newly Opened North-South Road

Kapolei, HawaiiFeb 24, 20100 Comments

The straightaway going south from the freeway exits/onramps (1/4 -1/2 mile). Posted speed 35mph. Unmarked, marked, and motorcycle parked in driveway turnouts.

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