Dixon, Illinois Speed Traps
Galena Ave. and Lowell Park Road
Going south on Lowell Park Road the speed limit changes from 55 to 35 in a very short time. the cop is setting by the Dairy Queen.
W 4th St leaving town
Exact description: http://goo.gl/gsQAG
It’s been awhile since I’ve seen one here but it’s also been awhile since I’ve lived in Dixon. But from ’05-’08 I drove this a few hundred times a year and this is a spot where I’d always expect one.
State Route 26 near State Route 30
I have lived near this intersection for 13 years, and have seen one or more state patrol cars at or near this intersection every week day and some weekends, early morning till dark. They sometimes sit in the parking lot of the old bar, and/or southbound along 26. Seems like they stop a lot of truckers.
State Route IL 26 Galena Ave near 10th Street
When coming from the South (from I-88 area) as you approach 10th St. there is a retaining wall that police can hide behind on the West side (left side) of the road – you literally can’t see the cop until you pass by 10th St. Speed limit is 30mph.
State Route Illinois Rte 26 near Interstate I-88
As you are heading south on rte 26 out of Dixon–slow down, because as you go under the viaduct where I-88 is above you, there is radar up ahead. The police car parks right past a little curve and by the time you see him, he has ya! The speed limit is 45 and it is real easy to be doing 60 mph.