Freeport, Illinois Speed Traps
North of Lincoln Douglas School
School zone starts North of school on Laurel street. Officer hides in Church Parking lot and shoots North when you enter speed zone (20 mph). Note: this is substantially North of School. Purpose: to raise money for City!
So. Walnut
They sit behind the trees at the Freeport Raceway, and when you come down the hill, just before it turns to 55, you have been had. It goes from 30 to 55 right away, so you start getting your speed up and bingo! I know of three people who have gotten tickets there. I also didn’t know they could set on private property to do this.
State Route 26 near Galina Avenue
Sheriff has been shooting a lot of radar North of Galina Ave.(business 20) on 26. Speed limit from Galina North is 30mph. to the river, and they shoot towards the north where the speed is 55mph coming from Cedarville. Most people miss the 30mph sign as they go up the hill South bound just south of the river..
US Highway 20 near State Highway 26
While on US 20 there is a State Police regional office, and tons of troopers on 20 from about 5 miles west of 90 to 2-5 miles west of IL-26 thanksgiving weekend last year saw about a dozen troopers, be very careful, there are hills in this highway just high enough to hide a squad car
Galena Street near Walnut Avenue
They sit behind the little store on the corner when your goin up the hill from Clark st. it depending on the officer on the enforcment Ive gone by at 45(its a 30) and they didnt move and 34 and got a warning