Gurnee, Illinois Speed Traps

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Cemetery Road near Washington Road

Gurnee, IllinoisJun 19, 20070 Comments

Cop likes to sit in the funeral home parking lot near Washington. The speed limit is only 30mph, and it’s near impossible to stay under that, and they have no mercy.

Washington Street near Almond Road

Gurnee, IllinoisJun 08, 20070 Comments

Squad sits in the lot for a riding school on the north side of Washington St. facing east. He is somewhat camoflauged by horse trailers in the lot. Speed limit is 40 and strictly enforced because of the school zone in the area.

State Route 132 near Interstate 94

Gurnee, IllinoisMay 27, 20070 Comments

There is always a cop car within the 1/2 mile area surrounding the intersection. I see cars pulled over all of the time. It very busy because of the Gurnee Mills Shopping Center and Six Flags great America. Gurnee police officer’s are real hard on speeders. Be careful!

Delany Road near US Highway 41

Gurnee, IllinoisMay 16, 20070 Comments

Just after heading North onto Delany Rd off of US Route 41 a Lake County police officer usually parks his squad car behind the "Octagon" spa at the NorthEast corner of Delany and Grove Ave. In this area the speed limit is 40 but many think it is 45. Be careful!

State Route 120 near State Route 21

Gurnee, IllinoisApr 14, 20070 Comments

The police will sit under the Rt 21 bridge on Rt 120. It hard to see the squad car because of the shadow of the overpass and
4 coming over a slight hill puts you at risk.

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