Lemont, Illinois Speed Traps

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Lemont Road near between hill & bridge

Lemont, IllinoisSep 18, 20070 Comments

Cops sit at the bottom of the hill coming down Lemont Road at night with their lights off. The speed limit at the top of the hill is 45 but by the time you get to the bottom of the hill, depending on your vehicle, you could be doing 50 – 55+mph without touching the gas. Lived in this town all my life and sometimes I STILL forget to slow down! They also watch for speeders coming over the bridge!

State Route 83 near Route 83 & Route 171

Lemont, IllinoisJun 24, 20070 Comments

Cook County Police sit in the Entrance to the Equestrian Subdivision about 1/2 mile east of Rt 83 and Rt 171 in Lemont Illinois. They are there almost every morning about 5:00 am

Timberline Drive near Rock Creek Driveway

Lemont, IllinoisJun 23, 20070 Comments

They like to sit in the old Rock Creek driveway or just sit on Timberline as you come down the hill. The speed limit is 20mph

New Avenue near Lemont Street

Lemont, IllinoisJun 23, 20070 Comments

They sit in the parking lot of the train station. Speed limit is 20mph

McCarthy and Walker Street near Car Wash

Lemont, IllinoisFeb 21, 20060 Comments

The police car will sit in the parking lot of the car wash. The cross roads are McCarthy and Walker. I’ve also seen them sitting in the liquor store parking lot across the street.

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