Lemont, Illinois Speed Traps

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Lemont Road near Just north of the canal

Lemont, IllinoisJun 28, 20050 Comments

They sit off to the side of the road and clock you as you come downhill from the bridge. I see this nearly every morning around 7am.

Mc Carthy Road near Near park

Lemont, IllinoisJun 09, 20050 Comments

Police sit in the parking lot of the Park (located on Mc Carthy road) and clock cars coming down Mc Carthy road.

Timberline Road near New Avenue

Lemont, IllinoisJan 17, 20050 Comments

Police Cars drive up and down roadway with radar on. Police Cars don’t have lights on the roof.

State Street near Illinois Street

Lemont, IllinoisJan 17, 20050 Comments

Police Officers sit in parking lots along side the roadway.

Lemont Road near Bluff Road

Lemont, IllinoisJan 17, 20050 Comments

The cop cars park off the roadway with all their lights off.

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