Mccook, Illinois Speed Traps
47th Street Between East Ave and 1st Ave (Rt 171)
The South side of 47th is heavily staked out by McCook Police giving tickets daily. They hide on side streets and business parking lots. The North side of 47th St is staked out by the Brookfield Police. These 2 police departments love to share the “wealth”! They will even pull you over for “no seat belt” on a slow day or weekend morning!
State Route 171 near 47th. Street
Northbound 1st. Avenue at the 47th. Street exit ramp. Speed limit is 50 MPH and they will be sitting at the ramp shooting Radar. Many cars have just exited I55 so they are used to increased speed.
Joliet Road near 55th Street
These cops will nail you as you fly down 55th St heading East from East Ave., Be Careful, no breaks in McCook. Very aggressive crew! Although they are very aggressive, they are also very professional and nice.
First Avenue near 47th Street
First Avenue between 44th Street and Archer Avenue is a 4 lane expressway, with a 50MPH limit. McCook cops like to sit in the median around 47th Street and nail speeders both ways. Sometimes there are two cruisers.
Joliet Rd between 1st Ave. and 55th St.
McCook hides on the sides of buildings, behind construction signs, and also behind concrete barriers. They used to hide in an open field behind trees and shrubs until the state closed it off and put up no tresspass signs. Its worse at night because they turn off all of there lights and hide.