Monmouth, Illinois Speed Traps

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All of Warren County!!!!

Monmouth, IllinoisMar 20, 20100 Comments

Anyone driving through Warren County in any direction is in danger of being stopped, especially for speeding. They are a ticket happy county.

State Highway US Hwy 34 near Cameron Road

Monmouth, IllinoisFeb 03, 20081 Comments

One car will sit on the overpass with radar/laser, other police cars are on the other side of overpass. They use this method going in either direction.

State Highway 34 near State Highway 34

Monmouth, IllinoisJun 04, 20061 Comments

The stretch of Illinois hwy 34 between Monmouth and Macomb is heavily patrolled by State Police. There is a State Police District Headquarters in Macomb.

Hwy.34 Bypass

Monmouth, IllinoisJun 10, 20031 Comments

4-lane divided highway around the town gets through traffic from both Hwy. 67 and Hwy. 34, speed limit drop from 65 to 50 mph. They like to sit in the dark (especially late night) with radar. Traffic is usually very light late at night and it’s easy to get nailed.

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