Stockton, Illinois Speed Traps
In Log Home Parking lot
Heading west to Galena almost to town, there is a Log home on your left, before the bank on the same side. There is a unmarked silver durango that sits in the parking lot during the night.
Route 20
There is a speed trap going from Lena to East Dubuque. They sit everywhere because the speed limit is not posted most of the way. There are 4 speed limit signs in 47 miles.
US Highway US Route 20 near State Route 78
They sit by the park hidden by the trees. It’s been a speed trap for many years. Cops have very little to do there and the day shift cops are the worst!
State Highway 20 near High School
Police sit in the high school parking lot on the west side of town and catch tourists heading east from Galena that forget to decrease from 55 MPH to 35/30 MPH.