Wilmette, Illinois Speed Traps

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Wilmette Ave West of Hunter

Wilmette, IllinoisJan 23, 20130 Comments

Cop parks in Church parking lot on North Side of street.

I-94 Wilmette to Northbrook

Wilmette, IllinoisNov 14, 20120 Comments

More state troopers cruising northbound and southbound between Skokie Boulevard and Lake-Cook Road. Some times they are in SUV’s and some times they are in cars.

I-94 on ramp (Skokie Blvd)

Wilmette, IllinoisNov 14, 20121 Comments

The state trooper is on the 94 on ramp at Skokie Blvd. He’s kind of far back– On the on ramp but near Illinois road. He’s not just looking grab people flying on the highway but whipping onto the highway as well. Look for him/her.


Wilmette, IllinoisFeb 27, 20120 Comments

The police car was sittting far, far back in a parking lot. The parking lot is on the east side of Metra railroad tracks. Given the location of the parking lot and how far back the cop was sitting, He’s hard to see. You’d probably miss him all together if you’re heading eastbound on Linden. I saw him only because I was walking and happened to look in his direction.

St. Joseph’s Catholic school & Church

Wilmette, IllinoisFeb 21, 20120 Comments

Some times I’ve seen a police car in the church parking lot, far enough back so you can’t see him until it’s too late-if you see him at all. Some times (at night when it’s dark) He’ll hang out in the school parking lot. I don’t know how many people know about this but I’m putting this info out here.

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