Wonder Lake, Illinois Speed Traps
East wonder lake roadall, between gas station and 120
In earlier posts they tell you about some spots but not all of them.
He sits at the old phone company, post office, the old northwest auto repair,
The luthren church, in top the hill and side of the road, vacant lot off wooded shores drive and accross the street tucked back behind some trees in the one way in and out neighborhood, about 3-5 houses from east wl road on wonder view and at auto infinity repair, drive the speed limit here as they pull u over for every little thing.
Barnard Mill and Howe
A popular Stop sign and road block post. Stop, count to three then go. McHenry County hides in the Grand Old Mill parking lot and the new warehouse on the south side.
Wonder Woods Drive between Howe and White Oaks Rd.
NOTE this area is not the Village of Wonder Lake, the Wonder Lake cop lives in Wonder Woods, and likes to pretend that he can issue citations here, but he can’t, he has been seen on many of the side streets clocking people, if you see him doing this or if you are pulled over by VWL, call McHenry County Sheriff and your lawyer, you have a case and you will win.
Thompson Rd. S. of Rt 120
Just re posted at 35 MPH, between the Bull Valley , and the now dreaded Wonder Lake Police, both offer nice citations at approx 5 over.
Bull Vally has to be the Mayberry RFD police in the area so just be nice and say thank you, or they will strip search you faster that you can say,"want a Donut"?
Jacobson Drive near Wondermere Road
Residential area – children at play