Crawfordsville, Indiana Speed Traps
State Highway 231 near Interstate 74
Along 231 just north of the Interstate on the north side of Crawfordsville the speed limit coming south changes from 55 to 45 and there is a small parking area on the east side of the road that is behind a large amount of brush. The police will sit behind the brush where they can not be seen unless you are looking for them. This is a Highly watched spot. I drive by every weeknight and about 50% of the time I see him pulling someone over.
Darlington Ave & E. Market St. (US-136 & SR-32)
Crawfordsville cops are using Fed. & State drug interdiction grant money to pay overtime for running seatbelt enforcement scam, AKA revenue generation. $25. a pop. Same activity at S. Mill & Elmore St.
I 74 from mile mark 30 to mile mark 39
Crawfordsville City Police are setting up speed traps on I74 from Mile Marker 30 to mile marker 39. State drug interdiction money is paying overtime & cops are writing tickets at random. Watch the overpasses, that’s where they’re hiding.