Osceola, Indiana Speed Traps
Superior Street near Beech Street
this is heading north on Beech not long before the tracks and it has been a 40 mph but changed to a 30 mph 1/2 a mile back – not unreasonable and plenty of time to slow down and should with the tracks coming up but some folks don’t – don’t see them there as often as Apple or Vistula but once in awhile they are there.
S. Apple Rd. Road near Walnut, Louis or Adams Street
Usually p.m. rush hour or evenings during the week or just about any time of day or night on the weekends but really anytime of day. Favorite place to catch speeders on S. Apple Rd. is often Walnut but uses Louis too to get people who didn’t bother to slow down after it turned to 30 mph. He might get you at the 4 way stop at Washington and Apple if you roll through or he might be waiting at Adams and Apple because by then you’ve picked up alot of speed after having cleared the 4 way stop just south of the tracks and Lincolway. Pretty much anywhere on S. Apple from Lincolnway to the School of Dance you are asking for it if you speed. Once you cross Harrison you pretty much never see them but with all the new homes out that way I wouldn’t be surprised if that changes – good place to hide would be around the Tree Farm.
Vistula Road near Beech Road
Strip is between Bittersweet and Beech. Speed limit posted is 30 mph, but everyone always seems to want to go faster. Police sit in the entrances to the two subdivisions on the south side of this strip, usually Osceola Police or Sheriff.
Vistula Road near along the river
going along Vistula, between Beech road and Cedar road, the limit is 30 MPH and is highly enforced! also be sure ALL your lights work, (incuding your license plate light) They like to give out tickets for that also!
US Highway 933 Lincolnway East near Bittersweet & County Line Road
Osceola & County police monitor this stretch of Lincolnway from points around the intersection of Beech Road. Beech Road is also monitored.