Fort Scott, Kansas Speed Traps

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State Highway 69

Fort Scott, KansasMay 22, 20090 Comments

Coming into Fort Scott from the south on 69 is the prime danger area for Highway Patrol. Fort Scott police take over at the city limits, particularly where the limit changes from 65 to 50 near the hospital exit and then going downhill(!) as it changes to the city speed limit. The entire by-pass" (actually splits the city) is routinely patrolled and enforcement is strict."

Horton St.

Fort Scott, KansasOct 10, 20030 Comments

The officers like to set up at the churches on either side of our community college. Watch out!

Wall at East City Limits

Fort Scott, KansasJun 13, 20020 Comments

As your coming down the hill, speed limit drops rapidly. Cops sit on side of the road because they have nothing better to do.

Hwy 69-north city limits

Fort Scott, KansasJun 13, 20020 Comments

Cops sit under last 40mph sign going out of town. Just trying to create some easy revenue for the city because the Chief can’t budget.

69 Hwy Bypass

Fort Scott, KansasFeb 01, 20020 Comments

Cops like to hide around the curves. Sit on the side of the road. Police Department doesn’t do anything real important, so this is the chief’s way of making them "look" busy!!

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