Junction City, Kansas Speed Traps

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2 spots: highway maintenance & parking lot of Foot Locker on US77

Junction City, KansasSep 09, 20200 Comments

County Monty sits near the intersection of US 77 & I 70. There are 3 speed limits change from 65 to 55 to 45 to 25.All with in I’d say a half mile.

About 2 tenths of a mile south of 1-70 & US 77 highways

Junction City, KansasSep 04, 20200 Comments

County Mounties love set either on the property owned by Footlocker warehouse or on the state of Kansas highway property for road maintenance. The drop from 65 MPH speed limit to 55 MPH the within 1 tenth of a mile it drops to 40 MPH then to 25 MPH by the time you get to the I 70/US 77 intersection. They are there almost every day.

Route 40 between Junction City and Grandview

Junction City, KansasJul 12, 20120 Comments

Four-lane highway is posted at 40 mph. No tolerance for out-of-town tourists.

Route 40 between Junction City and Grandview.

Junction City, KansasJul 09, 20120 Comments

2 mile section of Route 40 (four lane highway) that is restricted to 40 mph. Most travelers would assume 55 mph would be the norm. Cops prey on tourists to get out-of-town dollars ($52 fine and $98 court costs). Court dates are always set far enough down the calendar that tourists cannot defend themselves in court. A warning ticket would suffice, but cops enforce a “no-tolerance” rule.

E Chestnut near I-70

Junction City, KansasSep 14, 20100 Comments

Near WAlmart, fast food row.

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