Olathe, Kansas Speed Traps

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Heritage Park

Olathe, KansasJun 28, 20210 Comments

Due to construction and road closure on 159 and Black Bob Rd, traffic passes trough a Black Bob Park and Park Police there is way to eager to give you ticket for speeding (posted 25 mph). I see them pulling cars over whole day. Such a shame to force vehicles to detour from main road and then sit there and punish drivers for not being careful while in area where they didn’t want to be in first place!

E. Dennis Ave and Church St

Olathe, KansasMar 13, 20190 Comments

The stop sign at Dennis and Church in Olathe is near a small strip-mall building that the Olathe Police can hide behind to give tickets to people with the claim that they did not stop correctly at the sign.

N Ridgeview Rd/E 123rd Terr

Olathe, KansasFeb 29, 20160 Comments

Cops wait for you to come down the hill, and they are extremely active during school zone hours…however both another car and I advised the school zone light wasn’t flashing. They seem to be active at the end of the month…

W Bound Sante Fe & Mur-Len

Olathe, KansasOct 16, 20120 Comments

Over the last few weeks, I’ve seen a constant speed trap for motorists on W. Bound Sante Fe & Murlen. As you come down the hill by Kohl’s and Price Chopper, you cannot see the police hiding in the parking lot between Taco Bell and Commerce Bank as that parking lot is in a perimeter of tall bushes. Get ready to slam on your brakes as it drops from 45mph to 35 on a long down-hill stretch. The City of Olathe funded the 1200 S Harrison Courthouse on their traffic ticket revenue stream, and have no intentions of letting up the pressure on their own citizens.

135th/Santa Fe & Lindenwood-Santa Clause is a cop

Olathe, KansasNov 25, 20111 Comments

Santa is a cop with a radar gun with about 7 cars/motorcycles to back him up. What a message for the City of Olathe to send to their citizens. Merry Christmas from the City of Olathe to is citizens.

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