Framingham, Massachusetts Speed Traps

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Walsh st

Framingham, MassachusettsApr 16, 20150 Comments

Cop hides on Walsh st at Rt 30 with lights off, watches the intersection at Rt’s 126/30.

Mass pike east

Framingham, MassachusettsJul 16, 20140 Comments

1/2 mile east of exit12 around bend 8:00 am to 10:am weekends. State police waiting. Low traffic volume limit 65 mph

Concord st at Hartford

Framingham, MassachusettsMay 26, 20140 Comments

Cop hides out of sight in Pepperoncini’s parking lot at the lights anytime day or night…

rt 27 near walpole line

Framingham, MassachusettsJun 03, 20120 Comments

These medfield, clowns hide like a rabid squirrel in the goasl of increasing the towns revenue it has nothing to do with safety, and they speed and drive recklessly all the time!

Old Conn. Path & The "Rail Trail" near Mass. pike bridge.

Framingham, MassachusettsJan 28, 20110 Comments

Every A.M. there is at least one police car or Harley sitting in the parking lot right before entrance to the Carousel office complex…across from shell gas station.
The posted speed drops to 30 at bottom of the hill just for a 1/8 mile. They know you are going to the Mass. pike, sometimes in a hurry. Most tickets there get thrown out at court due to speed limit sign placement and lack of proper visibility.

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