Gardner, Massachusetts Speed Traps
State Highway Route 2 near Exit Number
Lately the State Police have been using an unmarked Black Mustang Ma. Registration 68DP37 that travels along well above the posted speed limit. This car does not have any noticeable law enforcement antennas or markings so beware. With that said, it’s safe to assume other vehicles are being use without markings also.
State Route 2 near Exit Number 23 and 22
Mostly Mass State Police parked on the grass / median or in the breakdown lane from Westminster through Gardner both east and west. Current speed limit is 45 mph in some areas because of construction that ended over a month ago but the signs are still up it should be 55 mph. This can add up to big money. I see cars pulled over every day so be carefull out there folks.
State Route 68 near Athol Savings Bank and McDonalds
The local and state cops sit across from McDonalds almost everyday during different times of the day. Almost every night from 10pm to the am hours. Speed limit would be 30 or 35 on the road because it busy.
Route 2 the whole Gardner strecth
State police use radar while parked on the side of the road, in travel, from bridges and from closed rest stop areas. Although xband and K band are the primary radars, lidar has also been picked up by my detector. It is not unusual to see four or more state troopers (East and West bound) between Fitchburg and Athol. If you notice a trooper on the other side of the highway, odds are you will pass one on your side. Posted speed is 55 mph in this area, many travel at 70 mph. slow drivers make this stretch of road very dangerous because people want to get around them. There are divided highway and two way traffic areas on this road. Athol to Gardner is the area where the road is primarily two way traffic with only a few passing areas. There is a 5 mile stretch with no passing. The road is pretty straight with very few curves. Although called a dangerous road, I feel it is due to people trying to control the cars behind them by driving 50 then speeding up to 65 in the passing areas. This is not an uncommon practice on Route 2 and these people should be targeted for driving to endanger. These people tend to always drive in the left hand lane also making the drive from Eastern Ma to western Ma. More dangerous.
Rt 140, .5 miles north of Matthews Rd.
From Matthews Rd, the highway proceeds downhill. The low point in the road is the kill zone. Gardner PD will camp on a ramped hill on the west side of the road. As you travel south, downhill and around a right bend, they will be up to your right. Traveling north, they will be behind you to the left and invisible even in your mirrors.