Revere, Massachusetts Speed Traps

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Copeland Circle (Rt. 60 & US Rt. 1

Revere, MassachusettsApr 28, 20150 Comments

Revere Police cruiser will sit in rotary at exit to Squire Rd. at the movie theater with LIDAR watching rotary traffic coming around rotary from area of Rt. 1 ramp. Speed limit is 25MPH in rotary.

Bennington St Btwn Leverett Ave and Winthrop Ave @ city line

Revere, MassachusettsOct 31, 20130 Comments

The cruisers will sit in the parking lot of either the VFW at 150 Bennington St or the Belle Isle Marsh in Boston. I live in a condo across the street and watch them pull 10-15 people over per day. It is usually right as school begins/ends as the Beachmont School is just to the North.

Rotary – Rte. 60 and 107

Revere, MassachusettsSep 01, 20120 Comments

At the 4 way rotary that separates Broadway Ave, Squire Rd. Salem Turnpike, And American Legion Highway; Revere and State Police have been know to set up speed traps in various locations along the rotary.

The most common one is a cruiser parked in Ferragamo way next to Sunoco either looking at the rotary or with a speed gun aiming down the Salem turnpike watching for speeders and motorist not using turn signals or not properly executing a stop when coming out of Ward street.

Second one is a cruiser parked by Master Auto (sometimes they hide at the top of Naples Rd) in front of sunoco monitoring the rotary.

Third one they hide in the parking lot of the Auto Zone on Broadway Ave. This last one is very uncommon but worth keeping an eye out for

Bennington Street north bound near Revere – East Boston line

Revere, MassachusettsMay 24, 20100 Comments

Revere police cruiser waits in school parking lot behind the fence after the VFW. Appears more active near the end of the month.

Ward St & Broadway (The Marsh Road)

Revere, MassachusettsMay 31, 20092 Comments

Heading out of Lynn into Revere. The Marsh Road, route 107, has a 45 mph (or more) go down quick to 25 mph, reduced speed sign at the end of the road as you get to the rotary. There is a small side street where cops sit and check speed & seat belts. NOBODY goes 25 mph at the end of that road. The road is like a speedway. People tend to go 60 mph at least. It’s a divided, 2 lane per side, stretch that goes about 2 miles without any side streets. It feels like a highway, then you are supposed to crawl the last 1/4 mile at 25 mph. Not very realistic

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