Chelsea, Michigan Speed Traps
Freer Rd. just north of High School.
PD sits at the bottom of the hill monitoring NB traffic. 25 MPH Zone through school zone and North. Pay close attention as you start Down the hill !!
Northbound M-52 by the funeral home
State police will often park in the party store parking lot just north of the funeral home and radar check northbound traffic.
State Highway 52 near Funeral Home
Chelsea PD almost nightly after midnight will sit in the grass just after the funeral home on your left as you are leaving Chelsea going north on 52. The speed limit changes to 45 there and they are pointed southbound facing northbound traffic. I am assuming they are there to catch those that do not slow to 45 from 55, since it turns 55 right after the trap. But I have also seen those pulled over who go too fast in the 45.
Freer Road near Trinkle Road
These cops sit all along this road and look for speeders. The posted speed of 25mph was just changed from 45mph and is completely unrealistic. Watch for in the area of the red barn on the west side of the road. Thats where the car always sits.
Wilkinson St.
A Chelsea P.D. Officer lives on this street, and just loves to catch anyone for driving anything over the speed limit. Have witnessed a mom-type woman in a Windstar get pulled over that couldn’t have been traveling any faster then 5 over the 25MPH limit. This guy is nuts!