Garden City, Michigan Speed Traps

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Cherryhill Rd east of Venoy

Garden City, MichiganAug 30, 20110 Comments

Wayne county patrol car sits in hall parking lot.Sits back far enough so that you can’t see them when heading west.

Marquette and Inkster

Garden City, MichiganMar 22, 20100 Comments

Police will park on Marquette west of Inkster and wait for cars to run the red light and probably check for speeders too. I watched them constantly park there when I delivered mail in that area.

Hines Drive

Garden City, MichiganAug 30, 20071 Comments

The Wayne County Sheriff sits under the bridge at Hines Drive and Inkster, catching speeders as they come around the curve and head west on Hines Drive under the Inkster Bridge. He is there multiple times, day and night. At night he will sit under the bridge with his lights off, so it is impossible to see him in the dark unless its too late! Keep your speed limit at 40!

Harrison Street near Ford Road

Garden City, MichiganAug 30, 20070 Comments

They sit and radar cars going N and S on Harrison between Ford and Marquette. Catching Nbound speeders they sit just south of Pardo on your leFort Catching Sbound speeders they sit midway between Harrison and Marquette on the east side.

Warren & Moeller Avenue near Off of Warren West of Merriman

Garden City, MichiganMar 08, 20060 Comments

A car is parked on Moeller Ave at Warren watching East and West bound traffic. Moeller Ave is one block West of Merriman off of Warren.

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