Lake Orion, Michigan Speed Traps

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Orion Rd between the 3 way stop and Atwater

Lake Orion, MichiganSep 29, 20150 Comments

Village police tucked in at the apartments watching cars from the three way stop to Atwater. Claimed complaints of speeding. Got pulled over at 5:20 a.m. Have not seen them during a.m. rush hour.

S. Lapeer Rd. & Casemer Rd.

Lake Orion, MichiganNov 15, 20100 Comments

Sheriff in Chicago Bros. Pizza parking lot in mornings. Waiting for drivers cutting through lot to avoid stop sign during rush hour to High School.

Baldwin Rd just North of Clarkston Rd

Lake Orion, MichiganJun 03, 20101 Comments

A cop car hangs out right after the curve just past Clarkston Rd heading North on Baldwin Rd. He usually sits in the driveway of the abandoned house on the right.

M-24 and Atwater

Lake Orion, MichiganMar 20, 20100 Comments

Police sit in large parking lot around the bend on M-24 across from Applebees Restaurant.

M 24 Road near Atwater Street

Lake Orion, MichiganMay 25, 20080 Comments

Officers sit on west side on road watching north and south bound traffic running the Atwater red light.

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