Romeo, Michigan Speed Traps

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On Morton St. Between West St. Clair(32 Mile) and Gates St.

Romeo, MichiganApr 12, 20100 Comments

Romeo Police sit in the parking lot of the Community Center at the bottom of the hill and watch for anyone going over 25 miles/hr. Especially visiable at rush hour, morning and eveving and around midnight.

32 Mile Road near Van Dyke Avenue

Romeo, MichiganSep 01, 20070 Comments

The section of 32 Mile Road (also known as W. St. Clair St.) between Old Van Dyke and Campground Road is posted at an unrealistic 35mph, and is rigidly enforced by the Romeo Police. They sit in various driveways on the south side of 32 mile and focus on traffic going eastbound down the long hill toward town; if you don’t stay on the brakes, you’ll easily exceed 35 going downhill.

Gates Street near Corner of Gates and Old Van Dyke Roads

Romeo, MichiganJan 16, 20070 Comments

The Romeo police like to sit on this dirt patch just past the LaJuliet motel. They sit on Gates Road facing the northbound Van Dyke traffic. They don’t sit there too often because it is right on the corner of their jurisdiction from Bruce Twp. The speed limit is only 25 on Van Dyke and it’s real easy to hit 40.

County Trunk 32 Mile Road near State Highway M53

Romeo, MichiganJul 01, 20060 Comments

Traveling westbound on 32 Mile Road after you pass or exit from M53 (Van Dyke Xway), speed limit drops to 35 from 50. Romeo police sit just inside the Romeo line (appx 250 yards west of M53).

M53 Bypass near 32 Road

Romeo, MichiganDec 12, 20050 Comments

Southbound lane shooting radar southbound, approximately 1/4 mile before 32 mile rd. There is the curve before you can see 32 mile rd and the traffic lights. Just a little bit after you enter the curve, Romeo Police sit facing southbound shooting at the southbound traffic. Soon as you see them through the curve, it is too late. Look just past the big billboard sign. There is a dirt patch where you can see that they park regularly. I drive through everyday at about the same time (1:30-1:45) and they are there about half the time if not a little more.

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