Traverse City, Michigan Speed Traps

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North Long Lake Road between Church Road and Lake Ann turn

Traverse City, MichiganJun 20, 20110 Comments

The Sheriff”s deputy usually sits in the parking lot across from Gilbert Park.

on Garfield between Hannah/Parsons and 8th Street.

Traverse City, MichiganMay 15, 20110 Comments

It’s 25mph here, I always see police hiding in a parking lot between the riteaid and northwestern bank.

Eastern Ave by Eastern Elementary

Traverse City, MichiganMay 15, 20110 Comments

It is 25mph for the road but after eastern there is a long fence with not many homes, the speed limit should be raised to 35. Unmarked cars lurk close by the NMC rear entrance to pounce on you! I got 2 points and $100 on my perfect driving record.

4 Mile Rd. 1/4 mile south of Railroad tracks

Traverse City, MichiganMay 17, 20101 Comments

4 Mile Rd. the Sheriffs Dept. will sit in a grassy area radaring north bound vehicles coming from Hammond. The speed limit drops gradually but at that point I think it is 35mph.

Garfield Rd between South Airport Rd and Hammond Rd

Traverse City, MichiganMay 07, 20100 Comments

This is a 45mph area, however many drive faster. They Sheriff Dept sit in many different places along that area all the time.

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