Walled Lake, Michigan Speed Traps
Decker Road at Pontiac Trail
25mph – A busy road that most motorists would think is 35 or 40. Heading North – has a downward hill. Cops hide in an apartment complex, a water treatment plant, a church parking lot, and at the bottom of the hill.
13 Mile rd east of East lake rd.
In front of Fire Station .Posted 35 mph on one side of the road and 25 mph on the other side. Also 35 mph posted just before the 25 mph sign at Novi rd.
McCoy St. between Ladd Rd. and Benstein Rd.
North side of street, sits in driveway, during rush hours – am & pm.
E. Walled Lk. Drive near 14 Mile Road
Both Walled Lk. & Wolverine Lk. cars sit back on last side street before 14 Mile (northeast side)
Decker Road near Maple Road
Speed limit drops from 35 to 25 on NB Decker at Maple almost immediately after passing Maple. There’s a driveway near the railroad tracks on the east side of the road that’s well hidden.
They also sit in a driveway on the west side (north of the railroad tracks) checking the SB traffic.
5 Over is likely safe…anything more will get you stopped.