Isle, Minnesota Speed Traps

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Highway 47 North/South

Isle, MinnesotaMay 18, 20110 Comments

Highway Patrol sits on a drive way and uses a laser to trap speeders. Sits in the middle of a straight stretch of road about 2 miles long.

Hwy. 27 Either Side of Isle

Isle, MinnesotaJan 10, 20100 Comments

This Police Dept. should be shutdown and the county should do the police work in Isle. Parking in the church parking lots, private & business driveways with their lights turned off to catch a speed violation is about as low as you can go. We have had a dozen police officers in 20 years and they have cost the city plenty of money with lawsuits etc. The illegal administration of tickets is an example of this type of enforcing. Here’s your ticket – it wont go on your record just stop in and pay it at the police Dept. Now that is Policing at its best. Good luck trying to cross the street to go to the lake in town as there is no ticket given for failure to yield to pedestrians in crosswalk, just speeding.

County Trunk CR 131

Isle, MinnesotaAug 20, 20080 Comments

Coming East from county road 131 ,slow down before passing moose drive. Police like to sit in cemetery at bottom of hill on right during the day and some evenings.

State Highway 27 east

Isle, MinnesotaAug 20, 20080 Comments

Police sit across from public landing on right side of road, partially hidden by grove of trees.

State Highway 47 near State Highway 27

Isle, MinnesotaNov 26, 20030 Comments

There is a good presence of traffic enforcement in the City of Isle. The new Chief and his Officer’s are doing what has NOT been done for years. At times it felt like the wild west. Great job! Keep up the very noticable good work. The key message is, slow down and OBEY the laws of the state. Keep our roads safe for all of us law abiding people.

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